Adult Leagues


 Our goal is to create as many teams possible in Baldwin County for the new league.  In order to help achieve this we have limited the number of players required to play a weekly match to 6.  This team format will help UTL captains and players work closely with each other thus raising the level of team unity on and off the courts.  We would recommend having no more than 10 players on a team. The price per player for a season is $12.50.  Click HERE to create a team, sign up for a league, or to check upcoming seasons.



Uber Tennis League Rules and Regulations

 Part 1 and Part 2 of the Friend at Court 2023 Edition will govern all Uber Tennis Match play.Part 1 is titled and referred to as “ITF Rules of Tennis” and Part 2 is titled and referred to as“The Code”

 1.    You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in Adult Uber Tennis Leagues.  Each team will have a designated captain and/or co-captain.  The captain or co-captain is responsible for creating their team on Topdogtennis

2.     All UTL teams must have a designated Baldwin County AL tennis facility to call home courts.

3.     The team captain is responsible for reserving courts for UTL matches at his or her home courts.

4.     All UTL players will be rated according to their USTA rating

5.     Captains are responsible for recording dual match scores within 48 hours.  All scores will be recorded on  Topdogtennis.   

6.     The minimum roster requirement per team will be equal to the number of players required each week to play.

7.     There will be a 15 minute default rule.  Please note that in order to enforce the default rule there must be an open court for play.

8.     A player may only play one time per dual match

9.     The home team must provide a new can of balls for each individual match

10.   Coaching is allowed between the 1st and 2nd set and before the start of a 10 point tie-breaker.



·        Tennis is a game that requires cooperation and courtesy

·        Anyoneplayer on the affected court may call a let

·        90 seconds between change overs

·        If a ball is called out and the call is reversed by his or her partner the point is given to the opponents (team that hit the ball)

·        The receiver plays at a reasonable pace of the server

·        Any player may call a let on a serve

·        Talking between doubles partners when the ball is moving towards them is allowed.

·        If a point is played from the wrong side of the court there is no replay.  All points played in good faith stand. 

·        Ball that cannot be called out is GOOD

·        A player is not required to show a ball mark.  A player may not cross the net to inspect a call

·        A player suffering from a treatable medical condition may be allowed one 3 minute medical timeout to treat that condition

·         On changeovers, players are allowed 90 seconds (timed from the moment the last point ends until the  first serve is struck for the next point) and 120 seconds between sets. After the first game of a set and  during the change-of-ends in a tiebreaker, players should switch sides without taking a rest. If the  opponent is taking additional time to nurse a medical condition, then he/she is breaking the rule.

·        Bathroom breaks should be 3 minutes unless the distance is extreme

·        A player’s racquet may cross the net on a follow through as long as the ball was struck on his or her  side and the racquet did not touch the net

·        Cell phones should be turned off on or vibrate